“There’s a Fork in that Road!”

Zeno Faber
Nov 12, 2020

I have moved out of my parent’s house about four months ago.

When I was back there to visit a couple of days, while pulling out of the driveway, my best friend passed in front of me with his bike. He turned his head to the left, met my gaze — and went his way. Might be the windshield was reflecting, or he just didn’t recognize me. It has been a while since we’ve talked.

I used to spend every autumn holiday with him, in Greece, at my grandparent's house. That was childhood. I loved that time. I loved that kid.

A year ago he dropped out of school. He told me he wanted to work at a kindergarten.

We were driving down our street, he on his bike, me in the car right behind, towards the fork in that road. He turned left, down a dead-end, forever to stay in that damned neighborhood; and I turned right, towards the Autobahn, getting out of there.

Recently he was busted for selling drugs to minors.



Zeno Faber

so tell me to leave, i'll pack my bags, get on the road